Iron & Vanadium Ridge
During the year ended 30 September 2018, ARES Strategic Mining entered into an agreement to acquire 100% interest in the Iron & Vanadium Ridge property. The Iron & Vanadium Ridge property consists of 20 mining claims, covering over 5,200 acres, situated in close proximity to Kamloops, British Columbia.
The property (5.5km long and 4km wide) is located near the town of Barriere, B.C. 60kn north of the city of Kamloops.
A highway, railway, high transmission power line, and river run through the property, only 4.5 km from drill targets.
Qualifies for Super-Flow through funding for exploration.
The property is close to a large coal producing region in B.C. and is just over 300 km to Vancouver on Canada’s west coast, with shipping access to world markets.
Ideal for a quarry operation.
Iron and vanadium can be extracted by crushing and magnetic separation – Inexpensive and singular process.
Crushed and magnetically separated concentrate can be sold directly to steel producer.
A 2009 drill program completed 658 meters of diamond drilling in the Iron Ridge and Iron Mist Zones.
Multiple massive magnetite seams and pods discovered. All seven holes intersected broad intervals of magnetite mineralization with three holes ending while in magnetite-rich mineralized zones.

Other Projects
ARES Strategic Mining Inc. is primarily focused on the Lost Sheep Mine in Utah, but also has additional properties that it continues to explore and develop.